Newsletter #368 Preview: The Night Owl’s Favorite Mac Software
December 18th, 2006I’m so consumed by getting my work done these days, that I seldom talk about the products I use to actually enable me to complete those tasks. That’s the purpose of today’s commentary.
But, let me first explain that I am not the sort of person to add toys to my Mac. Call me dull, call me unimaginative, but I spent a lot of hard-earned money to acquire my computers to serve as tools, not playthings. I require reliability above all else, and I cannot afford downtime diagnosing problems for which I might be partly responsible.
While I do lots and lots of software testing in connection with my columns and tech radio show, only a few of those products stand the test of time. I’ll cover them in no particular order, and reserve the right to change my priorities without notice at any time.
Story continued in this week’s Tech Night Owl Newsletter.