Newsletter #353 Preview: Macrosoft’s Mac BU Blog: The Spin Stops Here!
September 4th, 2006Getting online and writing a blog is so simple that millions do it every single day. Some folks even get a few readers, so I guess I should consider myself lucky. And while the concept is far from original, Microsoft’s Mac Business Unit, which boasts of having the largest team of Mac developers outside of Apple, now has a blog to call its own.
Now Microsoft is fairly open about its plans, although those plans and reality sometimes don’t have very much in common. So I suppose giving the employees of the Mac BU a public face and a public voice is a good marketing ploy. No doubt it’s designed to give you a warm and fuzzy feeling about Microsoft, and not suffer the pangs of fear or distaste about the company.
The first few blogs have been interesting reads and all, only they seem to have all been vetted through a team of marketing people, because the writing styles of supposedly different people come across as remarkably similar. Well, at least it seems that way.
This is not to say that I don’t believe that the writers who are named aren’t real. I’m sure they are, but that doesn’t mean that they are responsible for every single word attributed to them, or even some of those words.
Story continued in this week’s Tech Night Owl Newsletter.